Jesus !

I'd like to learn speaking English as cheap as possible.
The other day my colleague recommended I asked library to help me.
Some libraries have ESL lessons.
ESL means English as a Second Language.
I went to a library near my apartment to ask some help today.
It took about 5 minutes on foot from my apartment to this library. Easy to go there.
The man, his name is Bill, helped me a lot to get information for learning English.
He showed the Internet, the CDs, the Books, and called a person who took a lesson as tutor for ESL because I asked Bill whether I could have some speaking lesson with tutor.
These information was very useful for me, but I couldn't use these materials because I didn't have a library card.
The evidence I live here is needed to create a library card, but my company pays the bill for everything and I have never got the bill which is used for evidence.
I was disappointed.

But, I found the evidence for living here! Oh, Jesus!
I have an delivery order from JP to here by YAMATO TRANSPORT U.S.A., INC..
Yeah! I can get a library card! I'll go to the library, again.